Ashbygate: The Plot to Destroy Australia's Speaker
It's telling the true story for the first time
The Ashby affair was monumentally under reported by the mainstream media because it didn't suit the "let's destroy Gillard" agenda. This book reveals how wrong the mainstream media was.
~ Greg Barns, barrister, author and political commentator
It’s accurate
This is an excellent analytical appraisal of the circumstances and motivations surrounding the political demise of Slipper after he accepted the Speaker's role in the Australian Parliament. It was indeed a sorry and disturbing affair.
Thoroughly enjoyed the read.
~ Greg Robinson, former chairman, LNP Fisher Divisional Council
It is not a novel
Jones assures us in the introduction that ‘this is not a novel’. Yet this is precisely how much of Ashbygate unfolds – in the best traditions of the epistolary novel. Through the texts, the reader is presented with the immediacy of the complex personal relationships as Ashby joins Slipper’s staff and meets Karen Doane, another new appointment, and forms an alliance with her against their boss….
… And so the Honourable Mal Brough can now roam through the back rooms of government agencies connected with his brief – Intelligence and Security, the Remuneration Tribunal, the Register of Lobbyists, Electoral Reform, Parliamentary Integrity, Public Interests Disclosure… Ah, now that could be worth looking into. Malcolm Turnbull, watch your back.
The wheel turns, combinations come and go, and the back room deals go on forever.
Ashbygate is a cloak and dagger thriller.
~ Graham Jackson, author
It’s Australian
Ashbygate is an Independent Australia publication.
First edition stocks are strictly limited — no kidding!
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ASHBYGATE: The Plot to Destroy Australia's Speaker
Price: $29.99 + postage
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